Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Whew.... dusty in here

It seems I've neglected this blog. Social networking seems to have overtaken blogging since Thoughts About Corn's 2006 heyday. I guess it's time to turn out the lights. Have fun out there in 2010, cornies!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Voice actors honor roll

Any fan of cartoons and animation will appreciate this list of some of the best known voice actors. They deserve our love for giving cartoon characters their unique personalities, while staying mostly out of the public eye themselves. And, truth be told, I've always secretly wanted to be the voice of a cartoon character (yeah, I know...).

Incidentally, this list was put together by the lovable weirdos behind the Archie McPhee catalog - known to many as the original vendor of the librarian action figure!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm inside this geeky gateway

But probably not too far.

The A/V Club's Gateways to Geekery - Guided By Voices.

OK, so I like GBV, but most of what I know of their music comes from a single, lengthy "Best Of" CD released about five years ago. And I honestly enjoy much of Robert Pollard's recent solo material, though I haven't heard all of it (nor do I want to). "From A Compound Eye" is one of my favorite records of the last few years.

So, where does that leave me, on the GBV Geekery scale?

Monday, July 13, 2009

T. rex is just a big chicken

No, wait, it's not.

No, wait, it's - uh...

Seriously, this is a very interesting article about how science works, how it is supposed to work, and the complex interplay between scientists and the news media that communicate their discoveries to the rest of us.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A World Wide Web of data

The video above is a TED talk featuring Tim Berners-Lee presenting the idea of linked data. It's a tremendous idea, though I wonder if Sir Tim has sort of given up on his push for the Semantic Web and gone about it sideways with linked data. Data can give documents on the web semantic meaning, but it can also exist all on its own - kind of Sir Tim's point.

Also, how cool is it that he can just say "that World Wide Web thing? Yeah, I made that."

Thursday, May 07, 2009

So this hasn't died on the vine?

Wow, I've been away a long time. Things are going well - I'm wrapping up the first college course I've taken in eight and a half years, I'm involved in a library leadership institute once a month for most of this year, and so on and so forth.

But that's not why I'm posting. I'm posting to ask everyone a very important question: what is your web culture quotient?