I got your backs covered!

"I'm struck by the narcissism and banality of so many personal blogs." - Blaise Cronin, Professor and Dean, Information Science, Indiana University. Is corn the most banal thing possible? Certainly it's not narcissistic to think about and talk about corn. Perhaps I skew 100% banal, 0% narcissistic, then. So here it is - some thoughts about corn. Enjoy. It's nutritious!
I printed this picture out for my workstation, but it just isn't the same if you can't see the shirt color. Then I thought about making it my wallpaper, but that would be a little creepy. Plus I've never actually been to a Wegman's (although I've heard the legends) so it would probably just confuse people. What a shame...
Spreading the word about Wegmans is the one form of evangelism I think I can be down with.
I wasn't aware that my shirt color enhanced the experience, though.
Some friends of ours visiting from near D.C. this weekend told us that Wegmans has made it to Virginia. We're hoping they begin their westward expansion soon...
We also need a Dinosaur Barbeque. The gallon jug of sauce I brought back last time is running low.
Oh, I cannot even tell you how much I miss Wegmans up here in Boston!
OK, well, maybe I can.....so, um, I will:
We have no grocery stores here that even come close to providing a one-stop shopping experience. For me to get all the things that I could normally procure in one fell swoop at Wegmans, I now have to go to 3, count 'em, *three* different stores! Plus, because of some crazy Massachusetts law that was probably put on the books sometime in 1695 or something, grocery stores are not allowed to stay open 24 hours a day. Thus, all of the large chain stores around here close at midnight! Completely ridiculous for a city with a bajillion college students wanting to make late-night beer runs, eh? I've been thinking of writing a letter to Danny (I can call him that 'cause, indirectly, I worked for him for 3 years...heh heh) asking him to please give up on the southward expansion, and take over New England, for crap's sake. I swear to God, everyone in Boston would kiss his fucking feet if he could somehow bring us a 24-hour grocery emporium!
What the douche is Wegmans? Nevermind... I just quit caring.
....And I record my first comment from a random idiot I don't know! Bravo, brokenguerilla guy.
the caption i was thinking for that pic was "Who's got two thumbs and likes Wegmans? THIS GUY!"
Living in upstate new york i didnt realise how good Wegman's was. i mean, bulk candy that isn't $7.95 per quarter ounce. Plus the produce! I did always manage to go to 3-4 stores in Ithaca for grocery shopping though (Green Star, Wegmans, Tops, and that chinese place by Manos).
Boston DOES have a 24 hr grocery store. Its the Stah mahket on Comm ave. It only closes on saturrday night/sunday morning.
Thanks for the head's up, Nessie. Although, insofar as I know, there is only a Shaw's on Comm Ave. and that's open until midnight. Maybe you were thinking of the Star Market on Kilmarnock near Fenway, which is indeed open 24 hours. (At least according to the website)
Woo hoo; now I know where I'll be going to do my late-night grocery shopping!
Stah Mah-ket.
The things I miss by not reading your blog. I won't make that mistake again!
This is the best picture of you since the one from Key West with the cannon.
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