Yeah, it's a room air conditioner that sits on the floor. So my problem is solved. It works pretty well. The only drawback is it's a little noisy, but so are window A/Cs.
Oh, and it cost quite a bit more, but let's not get into that.
"I'm struck by the narcissism and banality of so many personal blogs." - Blaise Cronin, Professor and Dean, Information Science, Indiana University. Is corn the most banal thing possible? Certainly it's not narcissistic to think about and talk about corn. Perhaps I skew 100% banal, 0% narcissistic, then. So here it is - some thoughts about corn. Enjoy. It's nutritious!
Where does the heat go? Or does it just keep it all stored internally until it bursts asunder in a great spontaneous conflagration?
I am, of course, terribly jealous. I haven't done anything except sit still today, and I'm still all sweaty. I think I'll go to work and stand in the -20 coldroom. At least then the sweat should freeze.
It's kind of hard to see from the angle of the photograph (I am still a rather poor photographer), but there's a hose that is stuck into a plastic piece that fits in the window. The heat is vented out this hose. You also have to empty out a condensation tray periodically, like in a dehumidifier. Technology - ain't it great?
My bro got one of those and claims it doesn't work too well. I take it yours is chillin' you nicely? Which brand did you get?
It's the "Made in China" brand. Yet it does do a decent job.
"Made in China" brand.....hee hee.
I got the supreme deal on my unit: 'twas free. I saw a buddy of mine on the bus and when I mentioned that I didn't yet have A/C, he offered me the extra window unit that he and his wife didn't need any more. It needs to be cleaned, but so far it's working. Sleeping would be pure bliss if I could only get my stoopid upstairs neighbors to stop playing video games at maximum volume all night!
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