Man, Groundhog Day. How useless. I guess the kids love it, or something. But look at him, just sitting there. MENACINGLY.
I wonder if a groundhog would make a good comics character? I'm working on developing a story for a 16 page comic as part of the class I mentioned last time (you do remember that, right? It's just down the page if you don't.). I have a nascent, half-formed idea right now, kind of like the daffodil shoots that are surreptitiously poking their heads out of the ground in front of my garage two months too early (darn 50 degree "winter" weather!). I'm thinking about the theme of college life, with the main character being an innocent who just started college. The twist is that he still has an imaginary friend/spirit guide - of some sort. I'm not too clear on this part yet. If I were to pitch it to Nickelodeon or the Cartoon Network, I would pitch it as "Calvin and Hobbes meets Animal House." And then they would send me home with no cookie.
This whole creative process thing is a malicious little groundhog, I tell you.
A woodchuck pooka? Sounds like a decent idea. As animals they have a decent base level of funniness.
Also they have cute pointy front teeth. Comedy gold!
Absolutely. Plus, they're basically just round and furry, so you get the double benefit of "cute" and "easy to draw".
Groundhog imagery, hmmm? Let me tell ya, in Pennsylvania they've made an animatronic version of that damn lagomorph the spokesrodent of the lottery. Squeaky-voiced peddler of scratch-and-wins. There's indeed comedy to be had subverting the image.
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