In case you haven't heard yet, the original Star Wars films are being released on DVD. For a limited time only! Crazy. I'm not sure what to do, honestly. Buy these individually at somewhere in the $25-30 range, or spend $50 at Target for the Special Edition Original Trilogy DVD set? Maybe I can wait until they are on sale as previously viewed DVDs at Blockbuster and buy all three for $25. This is what I did with the Lord of the Rings movies (I know, I lose mega geek points for only owning the theatrical versions, geez).
In other news, why aren't any of you leaving me comments anymore? Has corn become the next internet fad come and gone?
I never bought the Holy Trilogy on DVD. Somewhere deep down inside, I saw this new, real edition coming.
Han shot first, baby. Han shot first.
Dan, I've decided I'm with you on this issue. Even though that shiny, shiny box set of digitally "remastered" DVDs has tempted me for almost two years now, I'm going to hold out for the original and best.
Yes! Return of the Ewok closing song in Jedi!
Seriously, I always thought it was kind of goofy, but then when I saw Jedi end with that faux-inspirational slow march instead I really missed it.
And of course the Greebo thing goes without saying. And that fake Jabba on Tattooine. Geez, that enhanced edition kinda blew, eh?
So my prophetic dream comes to nothing.
Oh well, it was good for a couple of years. And I have another obsolete A/V format because of it.
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