So, where have I been? Well, let me tell you! First off, on the 20th I presented at a conference at my old place of work (the BU Science Library, fresh off some major remodeling and redecorating) and caught up with some old friends in the Southern Tier (thanks peeps). When the presentation gets put up on the web, maybe I'll link it, and you can all bask in it's reflected glory (or say to yourselves "so this is what he does at his so-called job!"). Then, last weekend, I traveled up to Dartmouth College, braving crazy New England drivers and Moose Crossing signs to attend a conference up there. The featured speaker was Roy Tennant, who is always inspiring and interesting to us semi-geeky info dweebs. I'm glad to be home after all that driving, but I sure needed the break. At least I got to break up the trip to Dartmouth with a stop over at my parents' house.
So what does any of this have to do with the picture posted here? Well, nothing really - I'm just so damn proud of it. The library is buying a memorial brick (part of a campus fundraiser), and Mr. T is saying my preferred inscription. No, it was not the inscription ultimately chosen - details, details.
Come now, Mr. T advocating the reading of bricks? Next he'll be promoting "pity of the fool" who doesn't cite things correctly.
Great slogan. Has great cadence and sage advice. I'm sure the person who wrote it will be quite powerful some day. Maybe as powerful as Mr. T. :-)
It just had to be said.
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