The show did not disappoint. The mulletastic Worm Quartet warmed up the crowd with an excellent set. Then Powered By Satan took the stage and serenaded us all with tales of scrotum frogs (that link isn't quite safe to click on at work, kids) and Coney Island whitefish (no link provided - if you don't know, ask me some other time). We also pondered the eternally puzzling question, "if God did not want us to eat cows, why did he make them out of beef?" As some of you may know, PBS played Risley Hall's festival of bad music way back in the pre-blog days of late 1994 or early 1995 - not as memorable an evening as his farewell show, but only because it was a long time ago. Back when we flaunted our anti-authority cred, dammit!
1 comment:
I have to say, a Pacman ghost would have been much cooler. Except for Inky. He was always a wuss.
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