I escaped snowy Rochester last weekend to attend the New York Comic Con. It was well worth the trip, despite the fact that their main sponsor was MySpace. I met animator Bill Plympton, and some of my favorite webcomic artists - Paul Southworth, Rich Stevens, and the incomparable Jeff Rowland. They all get my thumbs up for being super great guys. Also, R Stevens (who said my name was "powerful") was inspired to create the above personalization for me. I picked up some great graphic novels for good prices. I also enjoyed meeting some nice people from an internet messageboard I frequent (don't you judge me) - nice young gents and ladies who are sure to go far in life!
In case you are wondering - yes, there were people there in costume. Mostly Star Wars costumes, with a lot of superheroes thrown in for good measure. There was a very manly Wonder Woman there, which kind of frightened me. At first I thought it was a transvestite superhero, but closer inspection (as much as I could bear it) revealed her to indeed be a female of truly Amazonian proportion. But they were all part of the crowd - quite a crowd, too.