Greetings, fine art lovers. The proprietor of this aesthetically challenged and, quite frankly, uninspired site has graciously allowed me to pass commentary upon the above artwork, "Snowman." The artist displays a quiet fascination with the misshapen and deformed, perhaps representing the microcephalic as a brave commentary on global warming or as a badge of identification with his own mental illness. This sculpture firmly fits into the category of "art brut," with its mismatched eyes staring blankly upon the street beyond like a comatose, Thorazine-dosed patient. Still, powdery snow being a notoriously ephemeral and difficult medium to work in, perhaps this is the best we can hope for, rising in stark contrast to the doggie-mess splattered snowbanks flanking. The longer I ponder "Snowman," the more impressed I am - however, winter madness may also serve as an explanation for the emotions evoked in this case. At any rate, I remain
Your Front Lawn Art Critic,
A. Rodney Torkelson
Man, that Torkelson guy is a pompous jerk.
not as pompous as you, har har....
OK, so no more anonymous comments.
A. Rodney Torkelson, eh? Wherever did you come up with that name?!?
There was an episode of the Kids in the Hall that featured a really bad garage band called Rod Torkelson's Armada.
Uh, I mean, he's a real live art critic who happened across my snowman, yeah...
Heh heh heh, Kids in the Hall...classic!
Oh, I stand corrected. You're just that much smarter than me, Wikipedia.
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