Hello again - I know it's been quite some time since my last update, but I've recently returned from the ACRL conference, where I was repeatedly reminded that I should participate in blogging. I had a great time visiting Baltimore, hon. I got to meet John Waters and was photographed with him for the conference newsletter. Yet another argument for never talking to the media. I also got to hang out and catch up with some friends from library school, which was great. I saw some fantastic animal sculptures made from logs, bottle caps and other assorted stuff at the AVAM. And, apparently, I learned that R2 D2 is back - in mailbox form, as seen above.
What else have I learned lately? Oh yeah, that punk rawk is officially, totally dead. Or maybe it was a marketing stunt all along. Who really knows?
Knowing your proclivity for filth, and Mr. Water's reputation as the godfather of the same, I have to wonder, Roman, did you and he reenact any of Divine's scenes from Pink Flamingos? Or perhaps the lobster scene in Multiple Maniacs?
I believe you are the one who trolls for dates in the seafood aisle.
Are we really only up to Library 2.0? I suppose it's reasonable to claim that the ancient Greeks were in beta.
Nice to see the correct usage of the word "troll" on those internets for once. Too bad lobsters are usually caught with lobster pots. Oh well back to Crappy Job v3.8b(rc2).
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