Friday, May 09, 2008

That most precious commodity

It seems like I've been very pressed for time lately. Not that I've been feeling overwhelmed or anything - just that a lot of my past few weeks has been pretty solidly booked up. I got to present at the Western New York/Ontario ACRL spring meeting, attend the Imagine RIT festival (though much of the day was spent working at the library reference desk), and have a mini-reunion of sorts at Cornell. I also have to work this Saturday, which means that I haven't gotten to various and sundry household chores yet (cf. washing windows). But there were so many things I just wasn't able to get to do. Here are some things I missed:
So what does this all mean? Well, other than revealing that I am a ridiculous nerd, it also shows that I'm a big bad grown-up who successfully prioritizes when necessary. And, on the bright side, I have much vacation time coming up. And it's not like no fun is ever had. I already mentioned tonight's baseball game, but this Sunday I'm going to see Lewis Black, and last Sunday I got to wander through the lilacs at Highland Park without any of the Lilac Festival crowd getting in my way.

Did I mention I'm on vacation for the last week in May? Yeah, I still could use that.


Curmudgeon said...

I don't know a pity party song - just the party pooper one. :P

Curmudgeon said...

Ahh, what the heck. It doesn't apply but it's fun.

Every party has a pooper,
And you're the party pooper,
Party Pooper!