I have yet another new toy.
No, this isn't the vaunted (and soon to be updated and upgraded - and cheaper) iPhone. It's the iPod Touch - basically, the iPhone without the phone. I didn't actually buy it for myself - it is a work tool and was purchased for me by the library.
The cool thing is that I now have true mobile Internet access. I had a PDA for a few years at work, but I was always disappointed with it. The iPod Touch is so easy to use - I figured it out on the first day I had it - and it actually handles online content well.
Though I'm hardly on the cutting edge by getting mobile Internet at this point in time, I feel like it's a big step towards the hoary future. What's next, a car that runs partly on batteries? ;)
Where does he get such wonderful toys?
How to turn your iPod Touch into an iPhone:
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