Well, hardly.
But, lost in all that's been going on lately was this fact I forgot to inform you all of: a photo of mine was chosen for inclusion in the Schmap guide to Memphis. It's of the ornate lobby in the Peabody Hotel. Check it out here, in it's proper context (the winning photo itself is shown above).
OK, so I didn't really win anything, or even get paid. That's what happens when you deal with a Web 2.0 startup. Well, that, and I'd never in a million years pretend to be a professional photographer. They found my photo on Flickr, because I tagged it with "memphis" and "peabody." Let that stand as a lesson to tag your photos descriptively!
The moral of the story is that being organized and descriptive is the key to internet fame and fortune . . . or just fame.
Of course! Otherwise you run the risk of confusing it with the Peabody Hotel in Little Rock.
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